10 Tips to Reduce Menopause Symptoms Naturally

10 Tips to Reduce Menopause Symptoms Naturally

Are you struggling with the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, or mood swings? If addressed early, there are natural solutions and supplements that can support your symptoms. We offer effective and safe pharmaceutical grade supplements that can assist you on your wellness journey.

10 Ways to Reduce Menopause Symptoms Naturally:

  1. Dietary Changes: some simple changes can help maintain a healthy metabolism, and decrease the severity of menopausal symptoms. Limiting soy can help you to avoid its estrogenic effects. Cutting out dairy products may reduce inflammation, mucus production, and lighten periods. Choosing Hormone-Free meat is a way to avoid additional hormones impacting your system. While too much alcohol use may aggravate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and depression, a glass of wine on the onset of a cycle can be beneficial due to the fact that it’s a mild blood thinner and relieves stress.

  1. Rhubarb extract: reduces the severity and frequency of hot flashes in perimenopausal women.  It has also been clinically demonstrated to relieve sleep disturbances and poor mood associated with menopause. We recommend Estrovera. 
  1. Vitamin E: contains tocopherols that help regulate natural estrogens and soothe dry skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin E is also helpful in preventing vaginal atrophy. We recommend: Vitamin E suppositories and oral Excellent E by Xymogen.
  1. Macais: a South American relative to the radish. There are different types of Maca, and each has different compounds that support stamina, energy production, and increased sexual function. We recommend: Core Maca by Energetix.
  1. Norway spruce lignan extractis: a phytoestrogen that naturally mimics estrogen’s positive qualities. It may help reduce hot flashes and irritability. At the same time, the extract has shown to offer protection against inflammation and cancer. It can act as an aromatase inhibitor by supporting the body’s natural process of hormonal activity.  We recommend: Flash Arrest by Xymogen.
  1. DIM:  found in cruciferous vegetables and can assist the body when estrogen levels in excess. Dim is recommended if taking any Bio-Identical hormones, and to balance the estrogen-progesterone ratio. We recommend: Dim Evail  and XenoProtX  (XenoProtX has an additional liver support blend for optimal detoxification and antioxidant activity.)
  1. Magnesium:  a very important mineral and is easily depleted through active lifestyles and poor diet. Supplementation may help symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, and stress levels. We recommend: Magnesium Glycinate or OptiMag. 
  1. Vitamin D: is critical for the hormonal pathway, endocrine system, and many other systems in the body. Check with your doctor or practitioner for testing levels. We recommend: D3 Emulsion or Vitamin D3+K2.
  1. Shatavari: supports hormonal balance, and helps with irritability and occasional mood swings of menopause and perimenopause. We recommend: Shatavari by Himalaya Herbs.
  1. Lifestyle recommendations: Sleep Hygiene, Mindful Meditation or Prayer, Positive Environment and Support, Exercise with weight training for bone health, cardio for hearth health, and yoga for mental health. Treat yourself to self-care days that include massage, acupuncture, or see a nutritionist or health coach to help address any other health challenges that may be contributing to menopause. Visit aliveandwellaustin.com for a full list of our services and amenities. 

For a more accurate baseline and specific treatment protocols, it is beneficial to get your hormone levels tested. Our consultants have blood, saliva, and urine hormone testing available! Click here for more information and to book with our consultants for deeper Hormone and health support.

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